Our solution is addressed to companies which own leased vehicles and car leasing/rental companies.
We have developed a Fleet Management solution which also streamlines essential Environment Health and Safety (EHS) KPI information and guides employees to adhere to policy requirements.
Using a friendly UI and infographics, the software allows the company’s personnel to easily record their own data.
The software imbeds a scheduler which creates reminder notification and assigns tasks to users. Critical user submissions e.g. vehicle inspections are controlled and approved by line manager.
The software’s administrator controls user access, manages primary data tables and generates reports.
For more information please contact us, or email us in sales@css.com.gr

User screens
- Car fleet registration
- Drivers and drivers association with vehicles.
- Travel distance and fuel cost per driver / car recording.
- Organization and staffing of defensive driving courses.
- Vehicle inspection recording at regular intervals or on demand.
- Car accident recording.

- Average consumption per driver for given period of time.
- Indication of above average consumption.
- Full consumption and cost for given period of time.
- Vehicle checks for given period of time.
- Driven kilometers per driver for given period of time

- WEB implementation no installation required
- Single language data base. All labels/messages customisable.
- Common UI frame.
- User notifications pane can be displayed or hidden
- Distinct user roles and access control.